Wardrobe post 2022

Wow! It’s 2022 and it means another splash of the pictures from my wardrobe! The previous year passed away so quickly even though lots of things happened in 2021…
Let’s do some review then. Welcome to my Wardrobe Post 2022

2021 flew in the spirit of discovering the new workplace. Lots of nurses including me had to leave their wards and go help to the covid wards due to the current covid situation. It was my first time being in ICU and after a few months, I’ve decided to stay. It’s something new, it brought me some joy to life and my work makes sense again. Soon It will be 1 year since I’ve set foot into the ICU. Do I know everything that’s needed for the nurse in ICU? Not really … I learn new stuff every day, I also see lots of really interesting cases. Every day I’m here I learn something new. It’s much different from being a nurse on a standard ward. Sometimes I think that’s not a good job for me because It’s much more stressful but overall I like this work so much.
Technical update – I have my crafting room! Finally! But I don’t have a proper table for my sewing machine. Why? Because on my old table is now a new monitor for my laptop. Oh, and I finally bought a laptop so I don’t use my boyfriend’s computer ever again! And what about my sewing? I didn’t sew much in the past year. There was also better days … wait a second …? Wow! I sewed more than 7 pieces of clothes. That’s not bad, right? And some news – I’ve tried to sew from a different material. I sewed my very first sweatshirt and one comfy dress from a jersey fabric! It’s a big step in my sewing career because I sewed only from cotton. It’s nice to try something new. Sadly, overlock is still in the “want to buy” phase but “not to buy soon” so my jersey fabrics have to wait a little longer, sorry …
I can call my flat a home finally. Yeah, it was home since I set foot there but now there is also some furniture. We have a lovely living room where we can spend some time together with our friends, a cosy bedroom and also my crafting room! Which is obviously the best room! XD Speaking of the living room, we have a television! We can finally watch Netflix on a bigger screen but the main reason we wanted the TV was the Playstation which we finally have, so that’s cool! Something is telling me that I will not be able to finish my studies because of that … I’ve started to play so many exciting games and time passes so quickly during the play. It’s a huge time-eater, really …
My hair has the craziest colour in my life – pink. It’s kind of punk and difficult to combine with lolita fashion but I made it work and it’s nice. I don’t regret that big hair colour change!
And what about my lolita wardrobe? Some of my pieces left, some came but the main point is – I have finally a wardrobe !! My dresses don’t hang somewhere in a dusty little room but it’s in an actual wardrobe! Yay! It’s very satisfying to finally see my clothing nicely stored and organized. New pieces in my lolita wardrobe are mostly handmade pieces, then I have some indie brand items and I got some brand as well … You can see it in the pictures below, after all. Enjoy!

Well, dresses… The fact is that my OP collection is a bit smaller every year. I sold most of my OPs because I simply don’t wear that type of dress very often and it has less options for coording than JSK. On the other hand, it is a less universal piece than a skirt but I still love JSKs so much. It gives a more fancy vibe to the whole coord when you’re wearing a JSK. The newest piece in my collection is Happy London JSK by Innocent World. It was quite a random buy. I saw it on Lacemarket – new with tags and for a very good price so I bought it 🙂 Another piece is the Galaxy Witch JSK by Lady Sloth and I also made some JSK by myself. The one I’m talking about is the Spell JSK. I wrote about it in a new volume of our comm’s lolita fashion magazine Sličná Antonie. It’s available in English too so take a look :)

A big part of my skirt collection is handmade. I just love making skirts. It’s easy to sew it and it’s a piece with many options for creating the outfit, as I always love to say… Last year Gothic lolita shot my heart once again so it’s back in my style no 1. I bought and also made stunning Gothic lolita pieces which I’m really happy about. Restoring my gothic lolita collection feels just right. It’s my true nature… And what’s new? I bought a skirt Where is the Cat by Lady Sloth. It’s such a beautiful gothic piece worth waiting that long for its release. It is no surprise that lots of new handmade skirts are now part of my wardrobe and I also did my first preorder on a brand piece. It is Nakayoshi Ginger Cookie skirt by Angelic Pretty. Was it worth it? You can read it in one of my articles HERE.

A blouse is one of the basic pieces in a Lolita Coordinate. It’s good to have more blouses even if it’s in the same colour. If you put together the same JSK or a skirt with a blouse which have a round collar or stand collar It’ll make an outfit with several different looks. I also have lots of cutsews and t-shirts which are great with lolita outfits but It’s not basically a lolita piece so I didn’t include it in this wardrobe post. There is no number for “enough lolita blouses” because you NEVER have enough of it. 😀 In the future, I would like to buy some in red so I hope I’ll find the one I like!

I love cardigans and boleros. It’s a great piece when you are cold, like me or to make your coord different because layering is a great thing!

My shoe collection is almost the same. In 2022 I bought only one pair of shoes – goth batty platforms, cause I wanted some comfy bowless lolita shoes to match the gothic part of my wardrobe 🙂

Aliexpress – Gururu

You can’t make your coord perfect without accessories, you know that 🙂 My favourite headwear is a beret. It’s obvious because I have many of them in different colours. I also got my big big dream item – a bonnet by Triple Fortune! I’m so happy! 2020 was the year I ordered a few things from Killstar for the first time. I knew that brand for a few years but I totally forgot about it. What a pity! They have amazing gothic clothing which goes so well with lolita fashion!

I was thinking If it’s a good idea to include a makeup part in my wardrobe post again. I think it’s not necessary because almost all of my makeup collection is in the last picture. Most of my eyeshadow palettes are by TooFaced. The skincare I use is by Sephora Collection and the best concealer for me is still by NARS. My favourite mascara is still DamnGirl by TooFaced, nothing changed I guess. 😀 Anyway, makeup is a big chapter that needs its own article. Maybe I’ll write some 🙂

Okay, that’s all! I hope, you’ll leave your wardrobe post links/Instagram accounts in the comments below. I’d love to see them!
Thank you for reading my post, see you!

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